Other Crap

Saturday, March 28, 2020

How I Got A Free Hot Tub


     So what would you do if your buddy called you and asked if you wanted a free hot tub or spa if you prefer to call it that? Most people would say yes, I initially actually said no, because I live in a warm climate, I had a fire pit which was nice, but never really got enough use out of it. And that was maintenance free, a spa needs chemicals, filter cleaning, water changed, shit breaking and being repaired etc. So I didn't think it would be worth it if it was going to be like the fire pit and only used in our one or two really cold months.... But then I thought.... hmmm.... I rent my rooms out... and people, especially tourists/short term people, love hot tubs.... So I said lets do it!

    Well nothing in life is truly free, I had to pay $250 to get it moved. You can find hot tubs or spa's for pennies on the dollar on craigslist. Me and my buddy are actually talking about starting a business flipping them, which we are too lazy and probably won't do. Many people get rid of em, or sell them at crazy low prices. They don't want to deal with chemicals or repairs, generally with repairs there's only two big things you need to worry about, the motors or the heater. And neither one is anywhere near as expensive as pool repairs. So if you are willing to spend a few hours learning hottubology, a word I just made up, you can have a free or significantly discounted spa in your yard or home in no time! These are used hot tubs of course and we all have seen enough rap videos and watched enough steamy love movies to know to clean these bad boys good!

     Now the hot tub is free, wiring it up is not so easy, hire an electrician. Luckily I have a buddy who is one, so in exchange for helping him move houses he gave me a days labor getting this bad boy up and running! However I should mention parts and wires cost me around $700!!!

     Just like the pool, my hot tub took a lot of learning curves, ph high, ph low, chlorine too high, chlorine too low, blue flakes the damn hot tub? Where the hell do blue flakes come in??? Anyway, google, youtube, and trips to the pool store, or spa store will be your best friend in the learning curve. The good news vs a pool, these bastards are a lot easier to drain and less cheap to fill when you constantly screw up the chemicals as I did. Speaking of chemicals, it's time for my sales plug, I don't make jack shit off this blog as of now, but if you guys buy shit from my amazon links I get a small commission so buy some of these chemicals for your spa or buy anything thru the link to help me write these damn articles more!


     Anyway, the learning curve is well worth it, and I'm happy to say I use the spa a lot more than I ever used the fire pit. It's been a huge help in getting new tenants, and I look forward to using it more than twice a season as it's pretty damn soothing to use almost year round... we shall see how this bad boy feels when temps cross 100! But for now, I'm definitely loving it.

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