Other Crap

Thursday, May 26, 2022

I Got A Dinosaur!

 I got a dinosaur for the backyard, $900 beans at an import shop, just adds some flavor and uniqueness to an area that had nothing.

Threw some anchors on him because he is lighter than he looks.

                                 And now we have nice company by the pool.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Quick paint job!

Quick post, instead of taking a few hours for dry wall repair I did some artistic shit on the exposed brick on the house and painted the gas line. $30 or so. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Organizing The Damn Shed!


       Here's one of those why the hell did I not do this sooner! The damn shed is always a mess, I spent a little bit of money on the plastic storage shelves that are stupid easy to install, and now when I need something out of there it's nice and organized! Hook it up and hit the link below to get your own while simultaneously throwing me commission! 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Going Tankless!!!

     So this year I took a big step with the house. Well, a big step if you live in USA, I got a tankless water heater. This is pretty much the standard in most of the world but in America we like to waste shit. My old water heater was in the middle of the house, why the hell when they built these houses did they put 50 gallons in the middle of the house with wood floors? Well anyway, shit has changed a lot since I began this blog. My neighborhood when I bought was bartenders, waiters, waitresses, and people that liked to party. Now the hood is CEO's, executives, and people that make a lot more money than I do! What does that mean for this house, well it means that since I am renting the rooms out still, every bit of space counts! So to sum up the tankless heater benefits:

  • Water heater is now outside, minimal chance of flooding unless a ceiling pipe bursts.
  • Gas is all outside, no explosion potential, I'm gonna have to cover some of the pipe shit though!

  • Some energy savings
  • Never run out of hot water, which isn't such a huge deal because I live in the desert where it's more likely we run out of cold water!
  • Extra closet space to store shit

    Remember what I told you about the neighborhood changing? Well shit got a lot more expensive all around. I don't mess with welding gas lines, so this cost me about 5k. Parts and shit was 3k, and for me 2k to not weld gas lines was well worth it. It's been three months now and this little bitch is still working great, lets hope it continues to heat shit up and I can enjoy the closet space!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Solar Lit Yard!

    I always had a long term plan to light my backyard up as a homage to when I was broke and lit the yard with cheap solar lighting. Well as it turns out solar has come a long way in 8 years, so instead I went back to cheap solar lighting and saved thousands. You just buy em and stick em in the ground, it doesn't get any easier! No trenching, no wiring, no electrical work!!!!

For the path lighting I went with these color changing guys from Amazon, they glow for almost the whole night just like the spot lights below. No need to change batteries, and if you don't like the set up move them easily vs rewiring and retrenching!

For the painting lighting above I went with spot lights, these bad boys last almost all damn night and are super bright. I wanted more of that for the paintings and more of a chill vibe for the path way hot tub lights.

Ready for a dip in the pool? Relax in the hot tub? Or drink at the bar? All with lighting that costed less than $200!!! Or you could call an electrician and spend a ton, your choice amigo!


Stained the Hot Tub!

     So as you know last year I got a free hot tub! To cover up how old it is I did a quick wood staining project on it.  Also ordered a new top, the stain was cheap, the top was not!

With a little love, your 1990 hot tub will look 2021 and no one will know except you and me ;)

My hot tub bumped up the electrical bill a little, hook it up and help a brother out by buying your amazon stuff from the link below!!!!!

I LED Lit My Bar For Only $20!


     Spring is here, and I decided for a simple spring project to put LED lights on my bar, years ago this would have been super expensive, but thanks to LED technology and amazon it was only $20! I ordered two of these to cover end to end:

It doesn't get any easier, I used electrical tape for the LED strips and put the control box in a little nook in the bar. Now the bar is pimped out and ready for Spring 2021 drinking season! 

Hook it up and hit that amazon link to do it on your own and maybe pay for my beer!